Hey Little Boy,
That's what you are now. No longer a baby but a small man! Im so proud seeing you step on and off the escalator with only your one hand holding on to me =) How fast you have grown Baby! ooops, I still love to call you 'baby'. And I guess that's forever.
Thank you baby for helping me pick up and put the pieces of trash in the plastic bag. I was so happy seeing you perform such responsible act even if I sure know you never understood what that meant. For you it was just play =) ... your 'proud' smile after I said 'very good' really made my day. I so wish I had a videocam with me when you did that earlier today. Never mind. It's forever recorded in my mind and heart.
Meanwhile, let's enjoy the moment that Lolo and Lola are here with us.
And let's count 60 more minutes before Dad arrives from China. We miss him so much, don't we?
a million hugs and kisses,